Saturday, January 3, 2009

South Korea

They say that you have not seen Gyeongju if you have not climbed Namsan, or South Muntain, south of the city. In fact, before exploring the city itself, I directly headed to Nmsan on my first morning in Gyeongju. The weather was very nice: a clear sky, in which the sun proved so strong still that even on this December morning, the temperature was getting pleasant. At the foot of Namsan, I saw Baeri Tombs, in which royals of the Silla kingdom are buried. From here, the path went directly up the mountain. I quickly warmed up and had to take of coat and sweater, even though some small streams of Namsan were frozen. Following English signs as well as Koreans walking up, I discovered some of the Buddha images carved out in the rocks of Namsan and statues. Most of them are on small paths leading off the main path.


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